CO2 is the major greenhouse gas that causes global warming and the global focus on sustainability requires a multi-pronged approach to eliminate Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere. The world has never been in more need of a thorough technological progression than it is now to achieve what the United Nations, European Parliament and the World Economic Forum want under the auspicious aim of Carbon Neutrality. All the efforts of Edraak Systems have been conceived of for the greater good of humanity and the end of our entire value chain is to make the world sustainable to generate inclusive growth.
Being a carbon-neutral organization, we juggle the latest technologies of AI to develop such offerings that contribute to eliminating CO2 from the stratosphere. Rather than working directly on climate tech, we believe that Artificial Intelligence can and should be utilized by industries to formulate such systems that make for clean systems of working rather than add to global warming. We invite global sustainability leaders to join forces with us and evaluate our current contribution towards carbon neutrality, considering that we eliminate the wastage of resources in the manufacturing industry. The 2050 agenda for the neutrality of carbon in the air cannot be achieved without empowering production facilities to completely remove resource wastage and this is reflected in our vision and mission. The focus on 1.5 degrees Celsius for global warming is not as important as what we are doing for transcending to greener economies and green entrepreneurship.

Our team of experts assembled for that very reason have developed software hardware and software products that implement the agenda of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) in spirit and also provide services to all industries to achieve just that. As an example for, the FRS (Fault Registration System) automates Fabric Quality Control through a one-of-its-kind combination of RPA and AI in a way that eliminates fabric wastage from the QC line, reduces the overheads – like paper and stationery- of the textile factory and also reduces the man-hours whilst making quality inspection 99% accurate. This directly leads to saving cotton and hence the water used to rinse it and indirectly saves trees. All of this is to reduce carbon emissions of the linked industries and reach carbon neutrality.
We are partnering with companies to be their technology providers for the building of and optimizing carbon sequestration systems. The energy transition movement cannot progress without the proactive engagement of digital transformation companies like us in reducing the carbon footprints of industries, especially the Energy and Automotive industries. As decarbonization enthusiasts, we provide governments, businesses and NGOs consulting as well as customized services for the development and deployment of advanced technological ecosystems. One of the vital elements for BECCS is the ability of the bioenergy carbon capture and storage procedures to operate independently of human effort and that is where our cutting-edge Machine Learning systems excel above all. The stress here at Edraak is on following a methodological approach to link the UN sustainability goals with Carbon Neutrality.